Health, Safety and Environment

PECO is committed to implementing and complying with HSE rules and regulations, and has included these rules as an inviolable principle to achieve strategic goals.

The guidelines of PECO’s organizational policy in the field of HSE are as follows:

  • Establishment and maintenance of occupational health and safety management system based on ISO 45001:2018 standard
  • Trying in continues improvements HSE process and meeting the needs and expectations of stakeholders in the scope of activities under the management of the organization
  • Assessing and controlling the risks of the current projects activities in order to provide a safe work environment in order to protect human resources and protect the environment as one of the values of the organization in the implementation of projects and the establishment of the environmental management system (ISO 14001:2015).
  • Using safe operational methods to carry out high-risk activities and trying to prevent human accidents and achieve acceptable performance indicators in this field.

Pezhvak Energy

Address: No.38, 15th floor, Hamila Tower, Fallah Zadeh(Hamila) Blvd, Ashrafi Esfahani Expy, Punak, Tehran, Iran

Tel : (+9821) 79714500   Fax : (+9821) 79714500 (Internal Number: 9)

Postal code: 1469644307  Email:


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